Tuesday, June 8, 2010

On Fulfillment

I remember once hearing Dr. Laura say that the best treatment for depression is to focus on helping someone else and get the focus off of yourself.  For whatever reason, that stuck with me.  Maybe because there have been times in my life when I struggled with depression.  I haven't been depressed in years, but I thought about that yesterday.  So, what brought that to my mind yesterday?  I was thinking about how full of joy I've felt working on the 400 Dresses Project.

I've done a lot of fulfilling things in my life.  Just to mention a couple, I'm mothering and homeschooling three amazing kids, I've trained for and completed a 26.2 mile marathon.  But, those are things that directly benefit me in tangible ways.  I have been extremely busy working on this project.  I talk about it whenever I get the chance.  Sometimes at 4:30 am, the thought of girls walking for murky water and dresses waiting to be sewn wake me up.  I get up and get to work.  And, it's not the kind of work that is drudgery.  I should be tired (and physically I am), but mentally, emotionally and spiritually I'm....well, wide awake. 

I didn't start this project because I was depressed.  I started this project because I wanted to put action behind my faith.  And, what a surprise!  I've benefited more from this project than I could have imagined!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! My name is Sarah and I heard about the dress a girl around the world project earlier this summer and have been working to get my wheels rolling making dresses. This evening I stumbled across your blog and read about your wonderful project I think it's a wonderful idea but was sad to not find anything in your Etsy shop. I hope your efforts haven't hit a snag and would love to pitch in for this project with a little manual labor. I have been wondering how to use the talents I have to glorify the Lord and I feel like he keeps steering me back to this dress ministry. I would love to hear from you Melissa, I hope all is well and I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers.
    with Love
    Your sister in Christ
    let me know how i can help!!
